Seven Types of Hebrew Poetry

The seven types of parallelisms found in Hebrew poetry are:

1) Synonymous parallelism – very close similarity between each of two consecutive lines.

2) Synthetic parallelism – the second line takes up and develops further a thought begun in the first line.

3) Emblematic parallelism – one line conveys the main point, the other line illuminates it by an image.

4) Antithetical parallelism – the second line contrasts with the first.

5) Climatic parallelism – the second line repeats the first with the exception of the last term.

6) Formal parallelism – the two lines are joined solely by metric considerations.

7) Inverted or Chiastic parallelism – strictly speaking a form of synonymous parallelism. The main difference is the inversion of terms in the second part of the unit.

Examples of the types of poetry found in Psalms 1 are:

Psalms 1:1, synthetic.
Psalms 1:2, synonymous.
Psalms 1:3, emblematic.
Psalms 1:4, synthetic.
Psalms 1:5, synonymous.
Psalms 1:6, antithetical.