May 2015
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Month May 2015

What is the Gospel message?

The first four books of the New Testament are known as the gospel, otherwise known as the four gospels. The word gospel comes from the Greek word, ‘euaggelos’ which literally means “good news” (Isa. 61:1-2; Luke 4:18-19). In earlier times it was a messenger heralding a grand announcement such as a military victory.

Without knowing what the gospel message is, missions, evangelism, and discipleship cannot be successful. It is missions, evangelism, and discipleship that are used to carry out the Great Commission.

In John 3:16 we find four essential points that summarize the gospel message.

  • A Message about God: God offers a plan for fellowship with himself.
  • A Message about Man: Man’s problem is his sin and sin’s penalty.
  • A Message about Christ: God’s provision for sinful man is Christ.
  • A Message about Faith: Belief is God’s means for man to procure salvation.

We are all sinners, and the gospel message offers the Lord Jesus Christ to sinful people through the power of the Holy Spirit so that they may put their trust in God through Christ, to accept Him as their Savior and follow Him as their Lord. This is the good news given in the Bible, that God sent His son Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and then raised Him from the dead so that those who believe in Him may have eternal life with Him.

The offer of the gospel is completely by grace through faith. Eph. 2:8-10 teaches that works cannot save. Works are man’s efforts to earn salvation. It is impossible for a man to save himself. Good works come into play only as a result of salvation, never as the means.